Join ISTQB® Partner Program

The ISTQB® Partner Program recognizes organizations with a demonstrated commitment to software testing certifications.

The Program comprises four levels of partnerships (Silver, Gold, Platinum and Global) and the partnership level of an organisation is determined through the number of certification points it has accumulated.

The major benefits of the ISTQB® Partner Program include:

  • Permission to use the ISTQB® Partnership Program logo (and other permitted marketing material) on organization’s website.
  • Recognition of the organization’s testing professionalism, both in the local and international market.
  • Official Recognition Letter, indicating identity/location, validity and level
  • Listing of the organisation on ISTQB® website.
  • Listing of the organisation on the National ISTQB® Member Board or Exam Provider websites.
  • Special privileges in relation to ISTQB® related events and conferences
  • Eligibility to receive the alpha version of new ISTQB® Syllabi with the opportunity to contribute to their review.
  • Honorary membership of the exclusive “ISTQB® Partner Forum” which will allow Partners to receive news on the ISTQB® Roadmap.
  • Local benefits from National ISTQB® Member Boards and/or Exam Providers.

The further benefit for each Partner Program level includes:

1.  Partner Exclusive Webinars – Topics: Leadership, Trends, Sponsors.

2. Certification Examination discounts:
a. Silver – 10% on CSTB CTFL examinations
b. Gold – 15% on CSTB CTFL & CTAL examinations
c. Platinum and Global – 15% on CTFL, CTAL, and CTFL-AT examinations, and                  the CTAL Application Fee is waived

3. Marketing Benefits:
a. Silver 
i.     Newsletter – template announcement
ii.     Website – text + logo + link
iii.     International website (link + logo)
iv.     Social Media – template announcement
b. Gold
i.     Newsletter – custom announcement
ii.     Website – text + logo + link + short description
iii.     International website (link + logo)
iv.     Social Media – custom announcement.
c. Platinum and Global
i.Newsletter – custom announcement + 1 featured article + interview with                           partner executive
ii. Website – text + logo + link + long description
iii. International website (link + logo)
iv. Social Media – custom announcement.

For more information regarding the ISTQB Partner Program, please visit